Sweeper Airdrop Time

3 min readMay 12, 2021

Thank you to everyone who has been following the first steps of SweeperDAO🧹. We are happy to start the first airdrop ✈️✈️✈️.

🥞 Pancake Swap

We have created a market on pancakeswap for our community to trade on and for others to trade as well. We have seeded the pool with 20k of liquidity to bootstrap the pool, but SweeperDAO is looking to the participants of the airdrop to add more liquidity, we want to grow the liquidity pool quickly and efficiently.

Add Sweep Liquidity Here

We will be taking a couple snapshots of liquidity providing tokens the next couple of days in order to airdrop more tokens to the true believers of the Sweeper mission. The snapshots will be random to avoid gaming them.

The liquidity provided tokens we received have been burned, you can see the transaction here https://bscscan.com/tx/0x3d3ee9e1b2d915a82ea70bfc2415701d9a6ef10d1290d6a1d408b1af4 83c84dd

If you are looking to get some $SWEEP tokens you can do so here Scoop $SWEEP Tokens

🔥 Burn

As we have mentioned before, $SWEEP has a burn and mint mechanism associated with it. The mechanism works on a linear time distribution. If there is no usage, i.e. trades or transfers, within a 10–11 hour time period the mechanism will incentivize people to use the token by minting up to 10% of the transferred amount to the user conducting the transfer. Vice Versa if the token is being used extensively the mechanism will burn up to 20% of the transferred amount from a user’s wallet.

The 10% mint and 20% burn can be modified with a vote on our snapshot page.

Because of this mechanism we will be whitelisting a couple accounts in order to provide a better user experience. Some whitelisted accounts include the treasury, airdrop accounts and amm pools. As we have previously mentioned there will be at least five airdrops, Sweeper wants the airdrops not to be burned. When a user deposits or withdraws liquidity from a pool, Sweeper does not want these tokens to be burned, of course selling $SWEEP will enact the mechanism described above.

✨ Claim

To see if you are eligible to claim tokens go to sweeperdao.finance and click the sweep button. If you are not eligible for this airdrop, do not worry!! You may be in the next airdrop.

This airdrop will last approximately two weeks (till May 27, 2021), at which point we will include the tokens which were not claimed in the next airdrop. If all tokens are claimed before we will begin the next airdrop sooner.

Remember we are having at least five airdrops and community members and token holders may be eligible for more than one airdrop.

🐉 Community Shoutouts

Lastly we would like to give a shoutout to our community. This weeks shout goes to @musalbas, co-founder of lazyledger. For his awesome explanation of our project, DM us your address on twitter to be included in the next airdrop!

We’re living in weird and yet exciting times. Thanks for sharing this journey with us 😊

